Category Archives: Andean Symphony Recordings

Andes Cosmos – Treasures Of The Incas

Andes Cosmos – Treasures Of The Incas

A very popular recording of purely instrumental music ranging from traditional, contemporary and classical pieces. This is highly recommended of those who enjoy the mystical elements of Andean folk music. [audio:/recordings/cosmos/1 The Echo.mp3,/recordings/cosmos/3 Young Condor.mp3,/recordings/cosmos/5 Little Bells From Punyaro.mp3,/recordings/cosmos/6 Storm.mp3,/recordings/cosmos/8 Pilgramage.mp3,/recordings/cosmos/12 Lone Shepard.mp3|titles=El Eco,Condor Mallku,Campanitas De Punyaro,Tormenta,Peregrinación,Pastor Solitario|artists=Andrew Taher|autostart=no| loop=yes] Song List: El Eco Andes…

Andean Symphony – Volume IV

Andean Symphony – Volume IV

A continuation of the Symphony series, this recording consists of mainly instrumental selections including Simon and Garfunkle’s “The Boxer” and a Brazilian Samba. A fine group of songs that accentuate a diversity of musical forms and rhythms. [audio:/recordings/symphony_v4/2 Inka Horn Trumpet.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v4/3 When The Moon Dies.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v4/5 Yesterday.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v4/7 Morenada Of The Carnival.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v4/8 Delicate.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v4/9 Capricious Little Farmers.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v4/12 Saint…

Andean Symphony – Volume III

Andean Symphony – Volume III

A peaceful recording containing mostly instrumental works. Volume Three contains an Andean version of “Yesterday” and a piece by Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Jesus Christ Superstar.” Contemporary and traditional songs are interwoven in this high quality recording. [audio:/recordings/symphony_v3/1 The Lonely Sheppard.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v3/3 The Departure.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v3/5 Yesterday.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v3/7 Celebration Of Yamor.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v3/8 Whisper.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v3/9 For A Few Dollars More.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v3/12 African Inka Rhythm.mp3|titles=The…

Andean Symphony – Volume II

Andean Symphony – Volume II

Demonstrating the range of Andean instruments, Volume Two contains familiar songs like the theme song from the western movie “The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly.” A completely instrumental recording featuring masterful flute and string work. [audio:/recordings/symphony_v2/1 Mallku-Young Condor.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v2/2 Alturas-Highlands.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v2/4 Vuelo De Condores-Flight Of The Condor.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v2/5 Virgens Del Sol-Virgins of the Sun.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v2/7 La Bocina-Horn of…

Andean Symphony – Volume I

Andean Symphony – Volume I

The first of four volumes, this instrumental recording is a collection of twelve beautiful pieces. Digital quality sound highlights flutes and strings. Songs range from traditional to classical piece by Amadeus Mozart. [audio:/recordings/symphony_v1/1 Puma Pungo.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v1/2 Ramis.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v1/4 Marujita.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v1/7 Quebrada De Humahuaca.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v1/8 Encuentros.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v1/8 Pilgramage.mp3,/recordings/symphony_v1/11 Mi Raza.mp3|titles=Puma Pungo,Ramis,Marujita,Quebrada De Humahuaca,Encuentros,Mapuches,Mi Raza|artists=Andean Symphony|autostart=no| loop=yes] Song List: Puma Pungo Ramis…