Andean Nation – Skies of Tarabuco

Andean Nation – Skies of Tarabuco

This work was a result of a trip to Bolivia in the winter of 2002. It was during this trip that I met one of Bolivia’s premier charango players, Fernando Torrico. A musician who owned and operated his own studio, I asked Fernando to collaborate on a new CD. His parts were recorded in Bolivia (string and percussion) and the taped were sent to me in New Mexico. I finished the CD by adding the wind instruments in my home studio. The album is mostly traditional Bolivian folk music, with a wide range of rhythms and folk melodies.

[audio:/recordings/tarabuco/1 Andean Nation.mp3,/recordings/tarabuco/2 Flor De Invierno.mp3,/recordings/tarabuco/3 Wara Wara.mp3,/recordings/tarabuco/5 Chua Yacu.mp3,/recordings/tarabuco/7 Cielos De Tarabuco.mp3,/recordings/tarabuco/8 Hombres Del Sol.mp3|titles=Andean Nation,Flor de Invierno,Wara Wara,Chua Yacu,Cielos de Tarabuco,Hombres del Sol|artists=Andrew Taher|autostart=no| loop=yes]

Song List:

  1. Andean Nation
  2. Flor de Invierno
  3. Wara Wara
  4. Coroyqueña
  5. Chua Yacu
  6. Tiluchi
  7. Cielos de Tarabuco
  8. Hombres del Sol
  9. San Juanito
  10. Urpilay
  11. Fin del Mundo
  12. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Total Running Time: 49:31

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