Also spelled Quenacho (Spanish) The Kenacho is identical to the Kena, only longer (20 inches) and is tuned to the key of D Major. The Kenacho has other names depending upon region: Mama-Kena, Choquela, Kena-Kena to name a few. The Kenacho is deeper and more mellow in timbre than the standard Kena. The embouchure is the same but some players may find the distance between holes on the flute (and the required finger-stretch) to be something of a challenge. I usually recommend beginners start with the standard Kena and afterwards proceed to the larger Kenacho.
Our Bamboo Kenachos are high quality bamboo flutes made in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
[audio:/instruments/Kenacho.mp3|titles=Sounds of the Kenacho|artists=Andrew Taher|autostart=no| loop=yes]